samedi, août 28, 2010

Let's All Make Believe (Oasis)

Dearly beloved, it is with a heavy heart and a sad face that I say this to you this morning.

As of last Friday the 28th August, I have been forced to leave the Manchester rock'n'roll pop group Oasis.

The details are not important and of too great a number to list. But I feel you have the right to know that the level of verbal and violent intimidation towards me, my family, friends and comrades has become intolerable. And the lack of support and understanding from my management and band mates has left me with no other option than to get me cape and seek pastures new.

I would like firstly to offer my apologies to them kids in Paris who'd paid money and waited all day to see us only to be let down AGAIN by the band. Apologies are probably not enough, I know, but I'm afraid it's all I've got.

While I'm on the subject, I'd like to say to the good people of V Festival that experienced the same thing. Again, I can only apologise - although I don't know why, it was nothing to do with me. I was match fit and ready to be brilliant. Alas, other people in the group weren't up to it.

In closing I would like to thank all the Oasis fans, all over the world. The last 18 years have been truly, truly amazing (and I hate that word, but today is the one time I'll deem it appropriate). A dream come true. I take with me glorious memories.

Now, if you'll excuse me I have a family and a football team to indulge.

I'll see you somewhere down the road. It's been a fuckin' pleasure.

Thanks very much.



Cela fait 1 an, jour pour jour, que le groupe Oasis se séparait au festival Rock en Seine...
Depuis d'autre projet du côté de Liam Gallagher avec son nouveau groupe Beady Eye, qui sortira son premier disque au début de l'année prochaine. (Une petite vidéo hommage confectionnée par mes soins ci-dessus.) En attendant une re-formation possible (on croise les doigts !), on profite de leur magnifique musique qui vivra pour toujours !
You're gonna live forever and thank you for the good times !!

2 commentaires:

  1. Oh my god.

    Je me rappellerai toujours de cette journée comme la pire de ma vie :(
    Je crois pas en dieu, pourtant je me suis franchement posé la question s'il m'en voulait pas personnellement ce jour-là.
    Je pense qu'Oasis vivra éternellement dans le coeur des fans. Moi ils ont changé ma vie et je ne peux que les remercier.

    Live forever!


  2. Une journée noire, c'est clair. J'ai failli poster un message glauque qui parle de deuil et de fin du rock, bref 2012 avant l'heure! Mais bon, j'avais peur de plomber l'ambiance!
